Your support call answered in minutes

    You’re a small to medium business, and you’re looking for a professional phone system: we’ve got you covered.

    Maintaining a professional front is paramount for the operations of a small business. Sometimes, the difference between landing that million-dollar client and missing out is simply how you present yourself and how much confidence the prospect has in your capabilities. A topflight phone system can be an important part of your business’s public-facing persona.

    If you’re running the kind of business that receives a lot of incoming customer calls, you could benefit from our customisable Interactive Voice Response (IVR) software. Among its other features, this system allows you to direct incoming calls to the correct office line, without needing a receptionist. That way, you can rest assured that each customer call always goes to the right team, rather than just sitting waiting-waiting-waiting in the call queue for the general enquiries operator.

    When you combine this with our call forwarding software, it allows incoming calls to be re-routed on the fly to wherever the right contact is working. Not next to the front desk phone? Our software can route a call to your desktop after a chosen delay, allowing you to take the call through your workstation. Working from home that day? Have your call be put through to your laptop, so you never miss a beat. Out of the office entirely? Send calls to your mobile, and stay on top of your business wherever you go.

    Not only that, but our partnership with sister company Smart On Hold allows us to provide customisable on-hold messaging. A professionally produced on-hold message is one of the best ways to show off your business’s professionalism. These messages can boost sales and keep customers informed while they wait to talk to your staff.

    It’s a plain fact of our technological world: software solutions need to be configured … and then reconfigured later on. Things just get out of whack. But don’t worry. At Smart Cloud Phone, we promise to never leave you in the lurch. Call us, and you won’t need to wait for more than 2 minutes before you’re talking to a real person who can start helping you with your problem. All our staff are trained on our systems. All of them are there not as sales people, but as agents focused on solving your problems efficiently and effectively.

    Our calls team members have the skills and the admin access to solve most problems on the spot over the phone.

    Even behind-the-scenes, Smart Cloud Phone works to make your experience as seamless as possible. Our online VoIP management portal gives you full controls over your system 24/7. It’s not hard to use once you’ve had the basic orientation. As literally the same portal we use to set up and manage your system, it means that with the right training (which we’re happy to provide) you can have as much access to and control over your phone system as any of our technicians! 

    We’re proud to be service providers who care about your business and its unique needs. We’re in business to put your business first. Our customer service mission is to show you just how straightforward it can be to get a great phone system.

    Talk to us today at 07 3185 1111 (business hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday AEST) about how we can help your small business get the quality of phone system that big businesses dream about.
