The main VoIP FAQs at Smart Cloud Phone

So, you’re nearly set on switching to VoIP with Smart Cloud Phone. Or, maybe you’re just curious about what VoIP is all about. We understand – there are lots of questions that need answers before making such a big decision. In this short blog post, we’re going to look at five of the most common questions we field about VoIP. Read on to get yourself up to speed…

1. What is VoIP all about then?
VoIP is short for “Voice over Internet Protocol”. It’s a way to use the internet to interact with a telephone network, converting analogue voice signals into data packets and sending them digitally over any IP network. In short, it’s telephone via internet connection.

2. Can I use VoIP to make calls online?
Sure can … and that’s just the beginning. VoIP can interact with any compatible network. Internet, LAN, WAN, Bluetooth, private IP – even fax machines and satellite phones. VoIP can work for you on any network as a scalable, flexible and high-quality alternative to traditional private branch exchanges (PBX).

3. What do I need for VoIP?
VoIP really is incredibly flexible – whether it’s via a traditional landline phone, a special VoIP-enabled desk phone, via your mobile … even directly through your desktop computer. To quote Smart Cloud Phone founder and CEO Nathan Miller: “We can provide services on any VoIP-enabled digital system in the world.”

4. How does call quality compare to traditional phones?
Pretty damn good, but there are two caveats: 1, your internet connection speed; 2, the receiver’s speed. It’s rarely an issue though. Modern VoIP services use sophisticated protocols and codecs to seamlessly unpack this data in real-time. This means you can hold conversations without delays or interference. In nearly all cases, the call quality is the same or better than that of a conventional phone system.

5. Is VoIP right for me?
Probably – and that’s the honest answer! VoIP can be 90 percent cheaper than traditional phone systems while also giving you so many more features. There is no reason to maintain complex and expensive network equipment when a VoIP provider is handling your calls. That old-school equipment is often costly (and risky) to keep on-premise in terms of both time and money. A VoIP provider can also allow your company much more flexibility. A VoIP provider can provide a telephone solution that is scalable, mobile, resilient and adaptable – all on a plan uniquely formulated for your company’s specific call-making and call-receiving needs.

Get the nitty-gritty on VoIP with Smart Cloud Phone
VoIP technology is no longer a mystery. And yet there is much more to learn … especially about how it can work for your specific situation and needs. Contact Smart Cloud Phone to find out how VoIP can give you real power over your phone systems for the first time.
