
    Check out our exclusive services

    With services like ours, your business can cut costs without cutting quality. And no, you don’t need techs onsite to set up and sort out your phones. A hosted PBX means a smoother customer experience and more effective sales cycles, all while freeing up your staff from mucking around with phones all day. We’ve been delivering phone solutions for almost 20 years to businesses large and small, and we have hundreds of satisfied customers. So, are you ready to actually be happy with your phone company?

    Cloud VoIP

    The latest in PBX technology. A hosted PBX – or “cloud PBX” – means you can get a corporate-grade phone system without needing any special equipment on site. Instead, your telephone calls are translated into online data through the magic of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). These signals are securely uploaded to the cloud, then sent through the phone line to the other end of the call. Integrating the internet with the landline network makes the solution more reliable and flexible than a traditional PBX. And we make it all easy too, it’s why we’re confident making such a strong customer service guarantee.

    Business VoIP

    The best prices for what you need, with our Liberty or PAYG plans. When you sign up, you can choose between two hosted PBX system plans: our Liberty plan with unlimited calls; and our Pay As You Go (PAYG) plan where you pay only for the calls you make. Our simple pay structure has no hidden fees, and can be personalised to accommodate the specific needs of your business.

    Business VoIP

    The best prices for what you need, with our Liberty or PAYG plans. When you sign up, you can choose between two hosted PBX system plans: our Liberty plan with unlimited calls; and our Pay As You Go (PAYG) plan where you pay only for the calls you make. Our simple pay structure has no hidden fees, and can be personalised to accommodate the specific needs of your business.

    Messages On Hold

    Sound more professional with a custom on-hold message. Personalised and branded on-hold messages are some of the best ways to show your business professionalism and keep enquiries engaged as your processes swing into action. Smart Cloud Phone can arrange leading on-hold messaging services through our sister company, Smart On Hold. Boost sales and keep customers informed while they wait to talk to your staff.

    You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

    Our call, anytime,

    Your phones will just work. Everyone. Anytime. Anywhere.

    Better phone systems sorted out sooner


    Reach out via email, the Contact Us details or by clicking through from one of our service plans.

    Talk to a REAL person

    When we get your enquiry, we’ll call you back. Together, we’ll give you the plain facts and work through your questions.

    Your phones will just WORK

    Once we know what you want, need and definitely don’t want, we can get your new phone system into service quick-smart.
