Double-platform solution for more flex in your tech

    Our plans leverage the power of multiple VoIP platforms. What does this mean for you? More backup and more flexibility for a start…

    Question: What’s our secret sauce for providing so many features with such confidence that our systems can still guarantee uptime?

    Anwer: Leveraging multiple platforms to power one solution! That means two different VoIP platforms working in parallel for you!

    It means we can offer a mix of features from either platform and forge them into the one solution that suits you ideally. Further, if one of the platforms has a service interruption or is undergoing maintenance, we can seamlessly shift the load to the other platform. The result: you get more features, more options and more stability. 

    Here’s a key point to clear up: when we talk about VoIP platforms, we are not talking about our two packages – PAYG and Liberty. Rather, we are talking about the tech that powers them. So, whether you choose PAYG or Liberty, your solution will still be backed up by the two platforms.

    Perhaps think of it like this: your Liberty or PAYG phone plan is a train carriage that needs to get from A to B – we make that happen. However, unlike other providers that can only use diesel OR electric locomotives, we can take advantage of either depending on which is better for your specific case. We can even swap halfway along! That’s the advantage of two platforms powering one solution.

    What’s more, delivering a hybrid set of features or even swapping your platform behind the scenes does not have any bearing on system function or quality.   

    The reason we offer a hybrid set of features is that while many features are available on both platforms already, there are times when it’s better to use some from one platform and some from the other. Don’t worry, your phones will work normally and predictably no matter what technical wizardry we’re doing. And regardless of which platform we use to power your solution, the pricing will always be the same.

    All up, running two platforms behind the scenes to deliver one solution on your end really means you can rest assured that you’re always getting the best in terms of value, reliability and features.

    Talk to us today on 07 3185 1111 (business hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday AEST) about how your small business can get a truly outstanding phone system.
